Art-ist State-ment

I cannot be quieted. I am constantly questioning and searching—attempting, however fruitlessly to quell the insatiable need to learn, to find answers, create solutions and thus, eventually, search for new problems. My drawings are observations of internal debates raging within myself, and how I truly relate to the outside world. I am searching to understand both the physical but also the metaphysical difference between brain and blood and heart and lung—where do these things exist in relation to the outer persona, and to others. I am interested by the complexity of the human psyche—the beautiful waste of life due to psychological trauma, disease, or deficiency. The mixture of memory, history, health, deterioration—it is all my fascination.

Through large-scale charcoal drawings, mixed media, film photography, and free verse, I record observations. Whatever realities I am looking for need not be limited by my own experience: in fact, experiences of others prove often to be more relevant than my own. I sense nostalgia for events, people, things, I have never—or rather, have yet, to come into contact with. It is impossible for me to live according to date and time. Most succinctly put—and to quote the late Richard Avedon—“ ‘…I haven’t lived chronologically. No one does’ “.



Let me begin with this quote:

“You're only pretending, and one of these days, you'll be found out. You wear lipstick and carry a purse. You go to work in an office and your life insurance payout might cover a modest funeral. Your kid asks Why and you make something up, hoping his science class tomorrow doesn't expose you for what you are. The truth is, it's all a sham, you never made it past six years old and you're dressing up in Mom's clothes, pretending you have all the answers.” (in an email from 5 Points ArtHouse)

Adult playgrounds: offices, happy hour, rush hour, lunch many hours.

The playground I seek to infiltrate is the non-student world of shows: Matt W and I are planning an exhibit, war as playground, war as witness, war as cause/effect. We are working on projects simultaneously, with advice & critique, but ultimately two separate visions that will work together.

We are looking at venues. The type of venue: the adult--the bar/pub, the restaurant, the hair salon, the gallery.

Our goal is May. The end of May.
May we reap what we sow.


Sneak Peek....

Latest shoot with Gold & Citrus...more to come! Check out!


Head first into photo

Just a little update:

In the past month, I seem to have fallen head first into photography after a long absence. I worked with SF Camerawork's First Exposure's program--their stunning out-reach program for underserved SF youth--documenting their thirteen posters in bus shelters around San Francisco. First Exposures collaborated with 826 Valencia's writing program to produce poetry/prose with photography. The results were wonderful. The photos are in the process of being edited. When I have final copies, they will be posted.

In addition, I worked with Sara & Rich Combs to shoot the newest lookbook for their jewelry line, Gold & Citrus. Working with Katie Quinn as the stylist, we shot some fantastic photos in the Presidio in San Francisco. Those photos are also being edited and when time comes for publication: you will see them here. Sara & Rich are amazing designers, with such a keen eye for statement and subtlety, I felt it was an honor to work with them. I look forward to seeing future lines.

And as a complete side note: I think we finally are having our summer.